dialog. Paragraphs are reformatted to fit the margins specified in the page setup headers, smart page breaks, and other nice formatting features. The printed version of the manual has a title page, table of contents, page  standard print job dialog. This command is used to print this MacPGP manual. It presents the • Print Help…  at 24 points, provided you do not increase the default margins. orientation. This problem should not occur with the printed manual, even most fonts you will have to use landscape orientation instead of portrait In particular, when printing reports using font sizes over 18 points, with  on how to correct it. alert is presented which informs you of the problem and gives you advice printable area on the page for MacPGP to print properly. In this case, an With large fonts sizes and/or large margins, there may not be enough  The maximum permitted font size is 24 points.  check the settings before printing and adjust them appropriately. LaserWriter or ImageWriter, you should use the Page Setup command to ImageWriters. If you are using some kind of printer other than an Apple Other kinds of printers may be treated as either LaserWriters or different default values supplied for LaserWriters and ImageWriters. MacPGP supplies reasonable default values for all of these options, with  size, all four margins, and an option to print the pages in reverse order. additional options for a printed manual. You can specify the font and font dialog. The extra items in the bottom half of the dialog are used to specify This command presents an expanded version of the standard page setup  • Page Setup Help…  to the program authors. granted to do this if it is not for profit and if you give appropriate credit and paste it into newsletter articles or other documents. Permission is purpose of this feature is to let you save the text so that you can copy without the pictures, and without any of the formatting. The primary When the manual is saved, only the text from the manual is saved,  sufficient to read the file. Microsoft Word file type but any general-purpose text editor should be text file specified by the user at the prompt. By default the file has a This command saves the MacPGP Help documentation in this window into a  • Save Help...  This command closes the MacPGP Help window.  • Close Help  is already open. This command opens MacPGP's Help window or brings it to the front if it  • Help...  is already open. This command opens MacPGP's About window or brings it to the front if it  • About MacPGP...  åThe Apple Menu